Roses, from work, for you and your wife! The owners say help yourself!
compound complex
JoinedPosts by compound complex
Smiddy`s Wedding Anniversary Today
by smiddy3 inhi friends one and all i just thought i would let you know it`s our 57th wedding anniversary today .
and we are setting off this morning for 3 nights in eden nsw i think it has more to offer than the one in genesis.. with a bit { or a lot } of luck we will make our fortune .
have a good day everybody.
Eddie Murphy, my driver . . .
by compound complex ini really do have to get to work, but i needed to tell you that i had an early-morning appointment, which i was late for.
i woke up past my due time.
without really thinking through my dire straits, i hired eddie murphy to drive me there.
compound complex
And one thought leads to another, humbled . . .
Charles Swindoll said that what happens to us is 10% and how we react is 90%. Our attitude is everything.
Thanks again!
There Is No Road in the Desert
by compound complex inthere is no road in the desert, yet you chance upon my friendless camp.. was it stars that led you to me or two yearning hearts become conjoined?.
i envision a most lovely you, but you're just a dream of what i once knew.. remote i remain in my desert abode while stars and your spirit sail on by..
compound complex
I appreciate your comments, humbled!
Likewise, my surprise. Nicole Kidman did a remarkable job of portraying the extraordinary woman, Gertrude Bell, who was subject to no one. Unique she was in having garnered respect and affection from the Bedouins and other denizens of the desert.
Her feats are legend, which include foreseeing both Faisal and Abdullah as monarchs.
Despite mixed reviews, the film, Queen of the Desert, is a feast for the eyes and ears (an unbelievably rich and sonorous soundtrack).
Eddie Murphy, my driver . . .
by compound complex ini really do have to get to work, but i needed to tell you that i had an early-morning appointment, which i was late for.
i woke up past my due time.
without really thinking through my dire straits, i hired eddie murphy to drive me there.
compound complex
Thanks, humbled!
You're correct. I'm reading a biography on John Steinbeck. His life was turned upside down when he got read (after many, many rejection slips from pubs).
Dunno if he was blue or just bewildered. He was said to run from fans.
Eddie Murphy, my driver . . .
by compound complex ini really do have to get to work, but i needed to tell you that i had an early-morning appointment, which i was late for.
i woke up past my due time.
without really thinking through my dire straits, i hired eddie murphy to drive me there.
compound complex
Thanks, Tara N Seals and scratchme1010!
And you're welcome. It's nice to be read.
Find Family Happiness ... NOT!
by jp1692 inthe other day my wife and i were in sonoma.
we were just walking around enjoying the pleasant afternoon in the quaint, old downtown area when i saw two jw women standing by their “witnessing cart.” .
normally, i just ignore them whenever i see jws standing by a cart, but i gotta admit it: this time it really bugged me because of the title on the cart: find family happiness.
compound complex
This has been happening with some frequency for several of us. I had multiple posts on clouds.
Eddie Murphy, my driver . . .
by compound complex ini really do have to get to work, but i needed to tell you that i had an early-morning appointment, which i was late for.
i woke up past my due time.
without really thinking through my dire straits, i hired eddie murphy to drive me there.
compound complex
I really do have to get to work, but I needed to tell you that I had an early-morning appointment, which I was late for. I woke up past my due time. Without really thinking through my dire straits, I hired Eddie Murphy to drive me there. My DELL had caught on fire, so I was unable to message my client. My driver got us lost in some roadless tract of farmland. A women zoomed by in a Red Ryder and tipped it. I wished her well and took the wagon. My left knee lay inside; then, with my right foot, I pushed off and shredded, shredded the pavement (or was it tilled earth?) . . .
I finally woke up from my dream and looked at the clock. I had plenty of time to get ready for my appointment. I sent a message to my client on my fully functioning DELL.
Not all dreams are JW-related. Someday, I'll meet Eddie Murphy and ask him to get GPS. He really had me stressed out.
There Is No Road in the Desert
by compound complex inthere is no road in the desert, yet you chance upon my friendless camp.. was it stars that led you to me or two yearning hearts become conjoined?.
i envision a most lovely you, but you're just a dream of what i once knew.. remote i remain in my desert abode while stars and your spirit sail on by..
compound complex
Thanks, sparrowdown, for your reply!
We are led. with or without our consent.
I haven't read the book, but in the movie Ms. Bell grieves over a lost love, then, subsequently, yearns for the physical presence of the absent new man in her life.
Sadly, she lost them both.
Slang or Terms Only Used by Bethelities
by new boy inthere are many terms used at bethel that might sound foreign to normal people.
there are many words or terms used at bethel that are unique only to their organization.
here are just a few of them.. “a jack” this is someone who is a slacker or just lazy.. “a pot licker” this term has been used for many years but its connotation is unclear.
compound complex
Yes, Morpheus:
I recall Dan had been in writing, and then I saw him sweating away in the bindery. The talk was he had been shafted.
I knew Marina before they married.
The Beav, Eddie, Wally
by compound complex inwe've all gotten a little older (the beav was about 60 at the time this was taken):.
compound complex
Thanks, glenster -- you opened up an old and forgotten world for me: AIRPLANE!